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April 2018 Newsletter

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

Dear, precious OFRH family,

May the true riches of what our Lord Jesus accomplished on the cross on your behalf and the joy of His triumphant resurrection fill your mind and heart, not only during this Easter month, but continually. I have been so reminded in my own life recently (and from talking with a number of fellow believers) how the enemy of our souls endeavors to cause doubt, fear and especially condemnation in each of us – and often Satan is all too effective. If you, my dear brother, my dear sister, have struggled with this, perhaps the following contrast between conviction and condemnation will prove helpful:

Conviction comes from God and is about something specific you’ve done.

Condemnation is about who you are, and it is vague and overwhelming.

Conviction leads to restored relationship. Condemnation offers no relief and leads to despair and fear of punishment. When convicted, you feel legitimate guilt and then you confess the specific sin you’ve committed. But Satan shames you into feeling like a total failure, reminding you of past sins already forgiven. Conviction is intended to be temporary and makes us seek the Lord’s power to change us. Condemnation feels permanent and makes us want to give up.

REMEMBER: “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8:1).

However, sometimes the Lord has to take us through very hard times for us to realize that HE is our all in all. This month Dr. Fuller will be discussing why God chastens His beloved child. He will also devote three messages to instruction about Satan who is bent on our destruction. Let us not be unaware of his traps and schemes, dear believer. However, keep your focus on Jesus and on your birthright in Him as you rejoice in His great love for you.

Our featured CD for April may lend some encouragement in that direction. It’s “Gospel Favorites, Volume 2.” A couple of the 25 magnificent songs (some by the choir and some by the men’s quartet) are “He Lifted Me” and “Jesus took My Burden.” The price of the CD is $16.50 which includes shipping, but California residents must add $1.50 sales tax.

May you let the Living Water channel through you to discouraged and hurting people you encounter day by day. Our staff cares about you, and we feel honored to pray with you on any of these matters. And you might pray for us as well – we’re a little discouraged because we had to cancel stations in Little Rock, Arkansas and in the Ventura, California area due to lack of support during this past year.

Confident this ministry is fully His,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

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