Dear beloved OFRH family,
Since I wrote to you last month, the Pasadena area (where I and some other OFRH board members live and where the Old Fashioned Revival Hour began) was drastically affected by historic fires which destroyed thousands of homes and businesses. Many, many blocks of Pasadena/Altadena and those of some nearby cities were completely reduced to ash. My family and I received word at about 3:30 early in the morning of January 8 to evacuate immediately. We had no time to consider what to take with us and grabbed only our pets, a few important papers and family videos – then left! The wind was violent and gusting up to 60-75 miles an hour, carrying embers great distances, which started up new fires. We returned 5 days later to find we still had a home. We are so grateful that no other board members lost their actual places of residence. My dental practice location also survived, but many of my patients and dear friends did lose their homes. The church I attend in Pasadena has become a headquarters for Samaritan’s Purse as we all reach out to help those we can.
This month Dr. Fuller begins with a message about the Great Tribulation and also about tribulation in a believer’s life (so timely right now).“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]. I have overcome the world. [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding]” (John 16:33 Amplified Version).
What other things has our Lord told us? Please give considerable thought to what Jesus says just prior to John 16, especially John 14:1 and 27 as well as 15:9-11. It’s amazing, dear friend, how the peace of God can keep/guard a person’s heart and mind in Christ Jesus (see Philippians 4:7). I’ve been with so many who’ve lost their homes and all possessions in the last few weeks but who have this God-given peace and are so undergirded by it. God’s grace and peace arrived when these dear believers needed them! How great a salvation we have been given. What peace can be ours in such uncertain days because the Ever-Faithful One has said that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Dear brother, dear sister, that’s His promise which we find in Hebrews 13:5.
And because that promise can also put a song in our hearts, the CD we are featuring this month is “Wonderful Peace” which has 15 songs by the OFRH men’s quartet. It can be purchased for just $16.50 which includes shipping ($18.00 if you’re in California due to tax).
Rejoicing in God’s promises,
Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.