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March 2020 Newsletter

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

Precious OFRH Family,

We are just beginning an amazing journey together. Dr. Fuller has started to take us on a lengthy expedition through the Book of Exodus. We’ll be traveling with Israel from Egypt into the Wilderness and finally into Canaan. But it won’t take us 40 years – only 6 months, from now through August. That original pilgrimage of God’s covenant people, according to Romans 15:4, is recorded in Scripture for our own insight, learning and admonition so that all the riches that are ours in Christ might accrue to us.

First we find Israel in bondage and in sin, but they are redeemed by the Passover Lamb and secured from judgment. In like manner, once we were far off but now, as believers, we are brought near by the blood of Christ. Delivered out of Egypt, Israel then faces the wilderness and must learn obedience through much suffering. Likewise, in the wilderness of this broken world God’s dear redeemed children “are enrolled in the school of obedience” where, though unworthy, we learn of His grace, His love, His guidance, and His sanctifying power to conform us into the likeness of His Son. That is our Canaan, pressing onward in our calling. We’ll recognize God’s voice as we put on the whole armor of God in order to stand against the strategies of the enemy. We are in the world, but our weapons (for example: prayer, faith, the truth of God’s Word, to name just a few) are not of the world. Rather, they are “mighty in God for pulling down strongholds” (see 2 Corinthians 10:4).

And that’s what OFRH is all about, along with you dear ones who pray for this ministry and help with your gifts. May we hear from as many of you as possible this month? Since the first of the year, the level of support has decreased considerably. However, I want to thank those of you we heard from in February. You strengthen our hearts through the wilderness journey, and we cannot adequately express how much you mean to us. A lady in northern California wrote that February 16’s message “was very encouraging.” And from the East Coast a lady wrote: “I am truly blessed with Dr. Fuller’s messages, and I learn the interpretation of the Scripture from his scholarship.”

Others tell us that our music provides tremendous blessing as well. And we’re happy to tell you that we’re putting the finishing touches on a new CD and hope to have it available by mid-March. The title is “Another Old Fashioned Easter.” You can order it now for $16.50 which includes shipping. There’ll be 8 songs by the choir and 8 by the quartet. We’ll send it to you as soon as possible.

Rejoicing in God’s promise to be with us on our journey,

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

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