Dear and invaluable OFRH family,
Here we are, already in the Lenten season as Dr. Fuller continues to preach from the Book of Romans. As Easter approaches, the whole reason for Jesus coming to die on our behalf is presented so well in this magnificent section of Scripture.
Last month in chapter one, the apostle Paul laid out his qualifications and began to explain how the sin nature of each man and woman is present from birth. In chapter 2 this month we shall see that Jews who learned all the requirements of God’s law are completely unable to keep that law in order to be righteous in God’s sight. Gentiles who never learned the law of God often have it written in their hearts but are likewise unable to follow it perfectly to secure peace with God.
As Romans continues, its marvelous theme unfolds; namely, that it is ONLY through believing in the Son of God (Jesus who died, was buried, and arose from the grave) that you and I are made righteous in God’s sight. “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).
If it has been a long time since you sat down to slowly and thoughtfully consider the third through twelfth chapters of Romans, I must tell you what a powerful affect it had on me recently to do so. Perhaps you’ve even memorized several verses, such as Romans 1:16-17, 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 8:31 as well as 38-39, or 12:1-2. By taking time to read chapters 3 through 12 slowly in one sitting, you should really be prepared to shout “Hallelujah” now and on Easter Sunday next month.
Another way to prepare your heart for celebrating Easter is through music. Therefore, you may want to order one or both of these CDs: “An Old Fashioned Easter” and “Another Old Fashioned Easter.” Each CD has 16 inspirational numbers – some by the OFRH choir and some by our men’s quartet. To purchase one, the price (including shipping) is $16.50. To purchase both, the price is just $31.00. (Of course, if you live in California you need to add 10% tax.) We look forward to hearing from you – even if you don’t order a CD! And if you’d like to help keep the messages and music of OFRH going out over radio and the Internet, a special Lent and Easter-time gift would be greatly appreciated.
Joyfully believing in Jesus,
Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.