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May 2023 Newsletter

Writer's picture: Michael KhanchalianMichael Khanchalian

Peace with God Concept

Dear beloved OFRH family member,

What a humbling privilege to connect with each of you again this month. Thank you for your prayers and support as the OFRH team endeavors to bring you this ministry every week.

Dr. Fuller will continue to guide us through the first chapter of First Peter during the month of May. Following up from last week’s message about our incorruptible inheritance in Christ, we read: “In this you rejoice greatly, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, which is much more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested and purified by fire, may be found to result in [your] praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:6-7 Amplified Version).

When I was a new Christian many years ago, I did not really understand why, after Christ suffered for us, that we as His children would also have to suffer. I wondered: Didn’t Christ suffer so we wouldn’t have to? Well, I learned soon enough that He is grooming all who are His beloved children to live with Him in eternity. Therefore, “My son, do not reject or take lightly the discipline of the Lord [learn from your mistakes and the testing that comes from His correction through discipline]; nor despise His rebuke, for those whom the Lord loves He corrects, even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights” (Proverbs 3:11-12 (AMP). You might also want to be encouraged by Hebrews 12:7-8 and 11.

Because of our Father’s great love for us, let us cast ourselves on His care with full confidence, knowing that it’s His perfect will and love guiding us into all seasons that He has ordained in our lives to prepare us to live with Him forever. Dear friend, may we pray for you if you are enduring difficult days just now? We would be so honored to pray on your behalf. So please let us hear from you.

Here are some excerpts from an email we received last month: "…The OFRH services in Long Beach were very instrumental in my accepting the Lord into my life at an early age. When the morning service was over we…drove to Long Beach. I was four years old and vividly remember the first service we attended…I was in an aisle seat. I could look straight ahead and have Rudy Atwood in full view… Gospel music has contributed to my walk with the Lord and the OFRH music was the foundation.”

And speaking of music, this month we are offering the choir’s CD of “Magnificent Medleys” along with the OFRH songbook for your gift of any amount. Simply request one or both items when you write. Our email is

Your brother in the Lord,

Michael Khanchalian D.D.S.

Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

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