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  • Writer's pictureMichael Khanchalian

October 2024 Newsletter

Dear OFRH Family,


Greetings in the Name that is above all names—Jesus!  He said in John 15:5, “I am the vine, you are the branches.  He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”  Are you abiding in Him these days?  Are you finding in Him all the love and provision you need to be fruitful?  Sometimes, in order to be fruitful, a branch must endure pruning from the Master Gardener.  But no matter what is going on in our lives, we can be secure and joyful because Jesus abides in us.  This world needs to see that Jesus is really their only hope.  And, dear friend, you may be the only reflection of Him that those around you will experience.

So let it flow!  One of the features on our website may help.  It is a page dedicated to God’s plan of salvation.  You will find there a printable diagram called “The Bridge.”  It shows how an imperfect sinner can come into the presence of God who is perfect and holy.  Accompanying  “The Bridge”  diagram is a short audio message from Dr. Fuller, wooing the listener toward the Savior and God’s offer of eternal life.  Perhaps “The Bridge” is a tool you’ll find useful when an opportunity comes to share the gospel.

I trust our broadcasts and our website are bringing encouragement to you and that you’ll let us know.  Here’s a note we received from a lady in Kentucky:  “Those of us who are elderly and cannot get out to church appreciate your Sunday morning broadcast so much.  The music and messages are wonderful and uplifting.  You have many listeners across the Kentucky hills who hear the broadcast.  Please keep the broadcast coming to us.  We need it.”

Well, we are grateful for her letter and for the gift she sent to ensure that the broadcasts continue.  This ministry from its inception has been fueled by the prayers and donations of the faithful few, those of you who (along with us) keep trusting our Lord who is full of grace and truth.

And that leads me to the album we are featuring this month – “Amazing Grace” by the Old Fashioned Revival Hour men’s quartet.  If you’d like a CD for yourself or as a gift, you may  purchase one or more for just $16.50 each, which includes shipping and handling.  You can also order any of the 15 CDs making up the “Tabernacle in the Wilderness” series which will  conclude on the December 1 broadcast.  Call or write for details.  Dr. Fuller’s teaching is so very enriching and challenging!   This month his topics will include the golden candlestick, the altar of incense, the veil, and the ark of the covenant which rested in the holy of holies.

We look forward to hearing from you,


Michael Khanchalian, D.D.S.

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